Thursday, July 20, 2006

Things I learned this week:

Ok, here is the new stuff that I learned this week:
  1. Laugh. I now giggle at silly things, like when Mom 'psssthubbbs' my tummy. I need to start working on the laugh when I take over the world.
  2. I like pulling my hair when I am sucking on my binky. It feels so good! Although Mom is complaining about it because I have created two bald spots on my head.
At dinner last night I was 3 for 3 in getting the waitresses to ogle over me. Even better, one of them was super hot. I've come to realize that I don't really need to do anything to conquer the world. I just have to exude some cuteness and charm and I will have half of the population under my spell. So despite early indications, the ladies do not have it out for me. Instead they will be the instrument of my ascension. Come on ladies, let us defeat the patriarchy and install me as dictator!

I even got ogled by a guy last night. He was kind of creepy and drunk though, Mom was diving for the Purell immediately after that encounter.


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