Shopping, AGAIN??!?
Mom took me to the mall this afternoon. She needed to buy a dress for some weddings that she and Dad are going to and she needed to get a new bottle holder for my diaper bag. Of course, just like a woman, she goes to the mall for 2 things and ends up with bags and bags of stuff. I can't complain too much - Mom has scouted out all of the cool places to feed and change me comfortably and I do not mind mingling among the peasants.
Tonight we went to communal dinner at Krikitt Downs. I saw my girlfriend Mirabelle again. She's pretty cute with her new haircut. For dinner, mom made some dates wrapped in bacon. I heard they were yummy, but I'm not allowed to have any yet. Boo! I'd gain weight so much faster if I could eat bacon. Mmmmm.... bacon.
We played with stickers after dinner. In the end I think we had lost one sticker. I wonder where it went...

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