Sorry, Sorry
Sorry I haven't posted recently - it's not like I can type, ya know. I have rely on the parents. Mom has learned to type with one hand and surf the web with her foot while holding me down, but anything more complex is tough.
First, I would like to welcome Nathan James to the world! Nathan lives in some mid-western freakin'-cold-in-the-winter state with his Mom, Michele, and Dad, Andy.
So far the Ultimate/Mischief Baby stats for 2006 are:
Babies born: 5
Babies to be born: 2 (3 if Brynne is pregnant also)
By the end of August there will be 7 on the line! (Or 8, if Brynne is pregnant also.)
I've been a busy baby in the past few days! I have been super fussy with the 'rents lately. I've been barking (ok, crying) out orders left and right. Like a good General , I have to keep them on their toes!
On Monday, I had a date with Linnea. I took her to a hockey game. Ok, we watched a hockey game on TV. But I am still counting it as a date!
Tuesday, Mom and Dad walked to downtown with me and bought me all sorts of new and cool stuff at one of the many kiddie stores. I got a new hat to keep the sun out of my face when I'm in the Baby Bjorn, a new 'round the house baby sling, and a new binky tether. I like the binky tether the best - now I can spit it out when I am done sucking and not lose it into the ether. Here is a pic of Dad & me:

omg, its so cute what you are doing. danger would absolutely love to read all this when he grows older. im just a random blogger going around. bored. ;)
take care and have fun danger. you chick magnet you!
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