Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

When I become ruler of the world, everyday will be Mother's Day! At least it will be for my Mom because she rocks! I stayed up all night during her shift and she didn't complain one bit. I did think it was a bit strange when she was trying to put my diaper on inside out, though. I think she was just playing around.

It's been quite warm in these parts, so I have been napping a lot lately. Nap, eat, burp, fart, poop, and repeat - but not necessarily in that order.

Today, we went to the mall.... again. Mom & Dad had to approve the baby annoucements at the card store. The announcements are neato, but they do not mention my taking over the world. I guess that it is good thing because stealthiness is important. I can't have President Bush talking with the UN about using the 'nucular' option on me.

In the "All Hail ME!" front, my Great-Aunt Jane knitted me up a really cool afghan. Check it out:
My Auntie has got skillz - with a 'z'!


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