What I did on my summer vacation
Howdy all! I know it has been a while since I have posted, but the parental units took me on a vacation to the New Jersey shore to visit the grandparents. The grandparents have this antequated internet connection called "AOL dialup" that made it next to impossible to post anything while on vacation.
I hung out at the beach:

I gave the 'rents an easy time on the trip and slept during most of both plane rides. I'm hoping that by being good on this trip, I'll trick the parents into taking me on lots of other trips.
When we got back home, I found out we have a new family member! She's like Boo (our cat), only a lot bigger. She likes to eat bones and lick my face a lot. Dad doesn't like her much, but I don't mind as the licking causes a net loss of slobber from my face.
Today I had another encounter with Eliza, the monstrous doctor's assistant that keeps poking me with lots of sharp objects. She got me again with 4 of them today. Why do my parents keep taking me back there?!? I hope they aren't in league with that lady. For instance, if I find out they've signed a release allowing her to poke me with all of those needles, they're in for a serious beating.
The doc officially cleared me for solid food. Not that I haven't sneaked the occasional handful while the 'rents weren't looking. The 'rents are looking forward to the longer sleeps that solid food will cause, and I'm looking forward to some solid poo.
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