Ok, it's more like 3 countries in 24 days....
Mom and Dad took me on a big trip to see how people in the southern hemisphere live upside down .
First we went to New Zealand. To welcome us, Air New Zealand lost all of our luggage. And to rub it in, our hotel room in Auckland overlooked the Air New Zealand building.

New Zealand was very green with lots of sheep.

Not only do they drive on the wrong side of the road, but they also face the wrong direction in their seats.

We visited a volcanic area with lots of geysers and pools of acid.

I liked the green acid pool the best.

In the south island of New Zealand, we visited Akaroa. It was a painfully picturesque little French town in a bay.

We took a boat tour around the bay to see dolphins, penguins, and other wildlife. It was my first boat ride and I did not get seasick! (Note: Rare picture of Mom)


Oh, and it snowed.

Then it was off to Perth, Austrailia to watch Dad play in the Ulitimate World Championship. It was my first Ultimate tournament. I cheered on Dad's team during the eight day tournament.

I got to swim in the Indian Ocean. It was freak'n cold!

And then, the camera broke. Stupid camera.
Our trip continues with travels to Singapore and Philadelphia. Stay tuned for the big trip, part 2!
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