Thursday, April 20, 2006


Evil things come in cute packages. Take the friendly and helpful pediatrician lady. She's been so nice she almost had me fooled. Turns out, she's just in it so she can chop my foreskin off. Yikes! Shame on her, picking on the defenseless. Well, when I conquer the world I'll hunt her down and chop her foreskin off. See how she likes it.

Speaking of conquering the world, I made more progress on step 2 (learning to suck) today. Mom's boobs are still a challenge, but they've got these neat little portable boobs they fill with simulated boob-juice that I can successfully suck on. So at least I'm not starving anymore.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Guy said...

Well Danger, that's a good lesson in life. Women are like that. They look cute and friendly, and then SNIP! They go straight for your vitals.

Then again, if you've gotten your first girlfriend on day 2 and learned this on day 3, you're definately ahead of the curve...

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Keith Randall said...

I hope Danger never gets hold of the release I signed...


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