It was my first visit to the ER and all I got were these three lousy stitches.
I visited the ER at El Camino Hospital this evening. It wasn't a social visit. While Mom and Dad were getting ready to go out on a date, I got my right pinky finger stuck in the glass door of their shower and cut it up pretty bad. Dad wrapped my finger in gauze and Mom drove like a maniac to the ER. I don't know why they were in such a rush because after we arrived we had to wait an hour and a half in the waiting room, all the while dripping blood onto Dad. Luckily there was another nice baby in the waiting room that loaned me a toy to keep my mind off of my crushed finger. Then we were moved into the examination room where it took another hour to be seen by someone with a medical degree. I was starving! Thankfully, Mom called in a favor from Uncle Chookie and had him bring my diaper bag from home so I could get some dinner. Thanks Uncle Chookie!
The nice Doctor's Assistant and ER Tech were very cordial until they brought out the "Olympic Baby Papoose". We were having a grand ol' time, but then I got strapped in the Papoose, ER Tech James held my hand, and the DA brought out the - wait a minute - needles!! I screamed like a banshee!

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